
Gymnastics-Day 1

The girls started gymnastics today. Grace was a bit apprehensive about going in because mommies weren't allowed in the room, but Hope being there made it a bit easier to adjust to my absence.

Since I couldn't be in the room, I attempted to take pictures through the glass doors from outside. Needless to say, they're pretty blurry. I'll label them so you know what they're supposed to be. :)
Hope proudly posing in her gym wear!!!
Waiting for class to start.....nervously.
Being silly.......she asked to do it:)
Waiting their turn to bear walk.
Gracie doing the bear walk.
Hope coming back to the group after her turn.

Josiah playing with his new airplane from Mamaw.
(trying to keep him from knocking on the glass at the girls!)


Sewing Room Resuscitation

My sewing room just got crammed full of all my craft and sewing supplies and half finished projects. I'm finding the need to get all of this organized and maybe throw some sassy colors up on the wall (along with some pegboard) while I'm at it.

My dilemma is that I have about three projects that NEED to get finished in the next week or two, but I so BADLY want to have a fun room to sew in. I know that I should make the redesign my payoff for getting done what needs to be done but I DON'T WANNA!

I'll spend the next few weeks designing in my head and when I've fulfilled my obligations I'll move on to creating an inspiring environment to work in. Can't wait!

Here are some before pics. EEK!



...and proud of it!

I made a nursing cover (NOT for me!). Easy, cheap, and quick to make.

take a looksie!


Josiah's 2nd Birthday Party!

The party was a blast and no one even got drunk! hehe. Shamrocks and potato leprechauns were hung about the house, little pigs in a blanket lay in their pen waiting to be devoured, and Josiah ran around saying, "I'm one!" while holding up three fingers. It was a day of celebration for our little guy who is turning two on St. Patrick's Day. He had so much fun having all the attention focused on him today (and eating green frosted cupcakes). He plowed through his presents like a pro, but I suppose that's because he's witnessed many a birthday party around here.

Here are few pictures and a video from his special day. (The candle blowing pics and present pics are on Eileen's camera so I'll add those later.) You can also view another (longer) video of him opening presents on my you tube channel. Go here- http://www.youtube.com/arizonakenny


LOVE my Neti Pot!!!!!!!

Okay, so, I purchased a neti pot about two weeks ago because I've been suffering from a MAJOR case of sinusitis. For those of you who don't know what a neti pot is, look above. You fill it with lukewarm water and a saline solution which you pour into one nostril while your head is upside down and sideways so it flows through the sinuses and out the other nostril. Great image, right? Well, I was totally a chicken about doing it until last night when I was miserable enough that I was considering shoving a vacuum accessory up my nose and cranking it on high.

With much trepidation I filled the pot and stirred in the solution. First go 'round......not so hot. I apparently wasn't leaning my head forward enough and all the solution and....well....nasal secretions....started pouring down my throat. GAG! I may have been a bit over dramatic in my reaction (I know that's hard to believe). Adam came racing into the kitchen. I thought, "Oh, how sweet, he's concerned." Not so. He just wanted to see if I was okay enough that he could laugh at me. Such is life after 8 1/2 years of marriage I suppose. I'm sure I would have done the same thing had the neti been in the other nose.

By the time I got to my second nostril I was a neti pro. One minute later I was breathing freely and swearing by the effectiveness of that little magic pot. Thanks to that little genie in a bottle I can make it through this bout of sinusitis breathing like a bird.


A Sanguin's Salvation

I love life. Well...I love life on Cymbalta! :)

Since I've been put on medication to bring all my chemical levels back in order, my zest for life has returned and I love it! I was talking to a friend awhile ago about how lately I've been needing to work on my filter. (You know....the one that keeps me from saying inappropriate things at inappropriate times!) She said, "I once heard that sanguins should say only half of what they think." I nearly teared up when she told me that because it had been a LONG time since I'd felt even remotely sanguin. So, I suppose the next time something uncouth comes out of my mouth I can praise God and say, "I'm back to my old self again!"


Blog Feed.....

I'm just wondering if my blog feed is working and posting my blogs in my notes on Facebook. I accidentally deleted the widget on my layout so I'm trying to figure out how to get it back in working orfer. if you can read this in my notes, will you visit my blog and let me know that it's working????? thanks!


Show me the love, girls!

Is it inevitable that sisters must fight? "Mom, she's going to lock me in the bathroom!" "Mom, she's making noise and I can't hear the TV!" "Mom, she's sitting by me!" "Mom, she's looking at me!" Seriously?????....."she's looking at me????" Come on, what do I do about that, gouge out her eyes?

Nothin' deep to follow that. Sorry.