
Milk....it does a body good.

Tonight I had Adam in the kitchen helping me get everything ready for dinner. He was setting the table and pouring drinks for the kids. Everyone but Silas wanted apple juice. He opted for milk. We were out of skim and all we had was whole. So, in an attempt to transform whole milk to skim, Adam mixed milk with water. Half and half.

We were eating our dinner and Silas took a big drink. He was pretty quiet about it. After he swallowed his next drink, he said, and I quote, "This doesn't taste like milk, this tastes like gross stinky shoe water!" (As though he knows what stinky shoe water tastes like, but I can imagine his disappointment.) We determined that adding chocolate to the shoe water would make it at the least tolerable. It was.

Morals of the story: 1)milk is processed at a factory for a reason, don't mess with it. 2)if you come across milk that tastes less than desirable--add some nesquik.

Milk gone. It was a happy ending =)


Theology 101...in a mini-van....with a five year old

We were riding home from church tonight and I jumped into a conversation that was already taking place.

Silas: This is the sad part (hanging head) Jesus died on the cross. I’m sad that he died on a cross.

Me: It makes me sad that he HAD to die on a cross, but I’m so glad he did.

Silas: Why?

Me: Because he died on the cross for us. So we could go to heaven.

Silas: So, if he didn’t die on the cross would we have to?

Me: Well, yeah, kind of, in a way.

Silas: Oh.

Hope: I don’t want to die on a cross.

Silas: But, Hope, if you die on the cross, if we die on the cross, if everyone in the whole wide world dies on a cross at the same time, we can all say “we love the cross!” because we would go to heaven.

Prayer requests later that evening:

Grace- pray that Mommy and Hopie and Gracie don’t die.
Hope- pray that we all won’t die on a cross.
Silas- pray that everyone in the whole wide world can live forever.


Who's pointing fingers?

I took a personality test this morning. Granted, it was one that someone made up and posted on Facebook. They claimed that it was the most accurate one and that Dr. Phil used it on his show once. (who knows). Here's what my results were.

Others see you as someone they should "handle with care." You're seen as vain, self-centered, and someone who is extremely dominant. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more like you, but don't always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved with you.


So I checked out the source of this test with Snopes because my results just HAD to be wrong. There is no way of linking it to Dr. Phil and they said to consider the results similar to that of a fortune cookie. Some fortune. "Hey, you suck and not very many people like you. Here are your lucky numbers...666."

Maybe I'll have Chinese food for lunch today and see if I can turn my luck around.


Cleaning Schmeaning

I power cleaned my house this morning. Adam let me sleep in today until nine and then when I woke up I was told we'd have company at eleven. "EEK!" I thought, for my house was a disaster. When I say disaster, I mean it, okay? The night before (thankfully) I had cleaned the kids rooms with them to waste time before bed and pretty much to remove all the fire, trip, and stump hazards. Even though their rooms were cleaned, that left....hmmm...EVERY other room in my house.

Off to the races I went. I'm pretty proud of myself. I got it done with 15 minutes left to take the world's quickest shower. I enjoyed the rest of my day looking at all of the nothing on my floors and admiring my dustless armoire. "ahhhh." wait...."How long will this last?" All glory was gone at that moment as panic began to sit in at the mere THOUGHT of tomorrow when my children might want to actually *gasp* play.

So, I thought it would be a fun little thing for me to take a picture of my house when it gets all tornadoey (is that a word?) again and we'll all see how long it takes. Though, I will say that it's my intention to keep it clean. "ahem" We'll see I suppose. Every one have a good evening and rest easy in the cleanliness of my house. I will....until tomorrow.


Silas on Politics

For the last week Silas, Adam, and I have been involved in political discussion. Silas' school has been very involved in the election process and talked about all the candidates. I'm ashamed to say I learned about two of the candidates from my Kindergartener (Cynthia McKinney and Bob Barr anyone???).

So today when we were asking Silas what he learned about the election today he told us that Obama's favorite animal is a donkey and John McCain's is an elephant! He also said, "There's still three states left....it's not over yet!"

Still laughing!


Dirty Laundry Disposition

My laundry loads today came in at a grand total of 11 LOADS!!!!! This says two things about me.....

1. I can be extremely productive! How many people can pull off 11 loads of laundry in one day? Not just washed people. Folded and put away too! All of this is possible, in part, due to my extremely efficient gas dryer.....yay kenmore!

2. I can also be extremely LAZY! How does one go about piling up eleven loads of laundry????? Yeah, by NOT doing it!

Sooooo....lesson learned? We'll see. Hopefully I'll make better choices in the near future regarding my laundry habits and do a load or two a day, but I think I've been here before......hmmm....


Free Coffee?

On Tuesday, Starbucks all across the nation will be giving free coffee to voters. If you vote, you can go in and receive a tall cup of freshly brewed joe. After hearing about this, I started thinking. Is the point of this simply to reward those who choose to exercise their right to vote? Or is it an attempt to motivate people to get out and vote? If the latter is the case, what does that say about Americans? Why do we need to be offered a free cup of coffee to 'care.' Shouldn't we take pride in the fact that we can choose our leaders and vote on our laws? And do we really want people voting just so they can get a free cup of coffee? I think I'd rather their uninformed or apathetic votes remain uncast.

Don't get me wrong, I applaude Starbucks and their attempt at encouraging people to get out there and vote. And I will be grabbing my own free cup of joe (who would turn down free coffee). But why would offering free coffee bring the voting American percentages up? I'm just saying, let's think about it, people.

Go out there on Tuesday and vote because you CAN. Vote because you CARE. Then go grab a cup of joe!


Prop 303

"vote Yes on Prop 303...free moms from Laundry!"

Proposition 303-
A "yes" vote shall have the effect of reinstating original creation laws that allow all persons big or small to walk freely while being nude with no shame, no judgement, and no penalizing fines. The passing of such a propostition would eliminate the need for hours of sorting, spot removal, washing, drying, folding, and filing clothes. Detergent bottles would no longer be needed allowing us to "be green" in the process.

A "no" vote shall have the effect of retaining the current law which requires the use of clothing to hide all things hideous and unsightly. The retaining of such a law makes my life harder, my closets smaller, and furthermore makes you suck if you vote "no."