
Cleaning Schmeaning

I power cleaned my house this morning. Adam let me sleep in today until nine and then when I woke up I was told we'd have company at eleven. "EEK!" I thought, for my house was a disaster. When I say disaster, I mean it, okay? The night before (thankfully) I had cleaned the kids rooms with them to waste time before bed and pretty much to remove all the fire, trip, and stump hazards. Even though their rooms were cleaned, that left....hmmm...EVERY other room in my house.

Off to the races I went. I'm pretty proud of myself. I got it done with 15 minutes left to take the world's quickest shower. I enjoyed the rest of my day looking at all of the nothing on my floors and admiring my dustless armoire. "ahhhh." wait...."How long will this last?" All glory was gone at that moment as panic began to sit in at the mere THOUGHT of tomorrow when my children might want to actually *gasp* play.

So, I thought it would be a fun little thing for me to take a picture of my house when it gets all tornadoey (is that a word?) again and we'll all see how long it takes. Though, I will say that it's my intention to keep it clean. "ahem" We'll see I suppose. Every one have a good evening and rest easy in the cleanliness of my house. I will....until tomorrow.