
Milk....it does a body good.

Tonight I had Adam in the kitchen helping me get everything ready for dinner. He was setting the table and pouring drinks for the kids. Everyone but Silas wanted apple juice. He opted for milk. We were out of skim and all we had was whole. So, in an attempt to transform whole milk to skim, Adam mixed milk with water. Half and half.

We were eating our dinner and Silas took a big drink. He was pretty quiet about it. After he swallowed his next drink, he said, and I quote, "This doesn't taste like milk, this tastes like gross stinky shoe water!" (As though he knows what stinky shoe water tastes like, but I can imagine his disappointment.) We determined that adding chocolate to the shoe water would make it at the least tolerable. It was.

Morals of the story: 1)milk is processed at a factory for a reason, don't mess with it. 2)if you come across milk that tastes less than desirable--add some nesquik.

Milk gone. It was a happy ending =)