
Theology 101...in a mini-van....with a five year old

We were riding home from church tonight and I jumped into a conversation that was already taking place.

Silas: This is the sad part (hanging head) Jesus died on the cross. I’m sad that he died on a cross.

Me: It makes me sad that he HAD to die on a cross, but I’m so glad he did.

Silas: Why?

Me: Because he died on the cross for us. So we could go to heaven.

Silas: So, if he didn’t die on the cross would we have to?

Me: Well, yeah, kind of, in a way.

Silas: Oh.

Hope: I don’t want to die on a cross.

Silas: But, Hope, if you die on the cross, if we die on the cross, if everyone in the whole wide world dies on a cross at the same time, we can all say “we love the cross!” because we would go to heaven.

Prayer requests later that evening:

Grace- pray that Mommy and Hopie and Gracie don’t die.
Hope- pray that we all won’t die on a cross.
Silas- pray that everyone in the whole wide world can live forever.